Articles of Interest
December 08, 2006, 1:00am

I’d like to offer some praise to those who correctly predicted the folly of the Iraq war.

Here’s the full sotry on NYT select.… Read more »

December 06, 2006, 1:00am

In Iraq, the Bush administration has gone from democracy promotion to conflagration avoidance.

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December 06, 2006, 1:00am

The seventh-richest man in China is a green entrepreneur! It should only happen in America.

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December 05, 2006, 1:00am

The people of England have been led in Mesopotamia into a trap from which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honour.… Read more »

December 03, 2006, 1:00am

The more President Bush loses his hold on reality, the more language is severed from its meaning altogether.

Here’s more reading… Read more »

December 02, 2006, 1:00am

NYT online member exclusive

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