Women’s Hearts Are Different – Let’s Act Like It
November 15, 2010, 11:11am

From Barbra:

Did you know that women often exhibit different symptoms than men when having a heart attack?

Instead of the classic “Hollywood” attack – clutching a painful chest – we often have indigestion and fatigue. Plus, women are more likely than men to develop microvascular disease, which affects the heart’s smallest arteries.

Yet, for decades, testing methods and research have been geared toward men.
That’s why many women’s symptoms go undiagnosed. It’s something a researcher has called “the Yentl Syndrome,” after the movie I made, in which the lead character had to disguise herself as a man just to get an education.

I’m thrilled to report that doctors at the Women’s Heart Center at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute ( http://bit.ly/9kT9MV ) are finding new ways to diagnose and treat women’s heart disease.

You can support these lifesaving investigations by visiting http://www.crowdrise.com/barbrastreisand.
